Convert LQM to TXT

How to convert lqm to txt. Possible lqm to txt conversion.

How to convert lqm to txt file

Many users are looking for a way to export their quick memos from LG phones (.lqm) to some other format, even just simple .txt files. It doesn't look like that some dedicated utility just for lqm to txt conversion exists, but some workarounds do.

The simplest way would be just to send the memo via email and copy it from there to some text editor. The second, more complicated way would be to rename lqm to zip and extract the contents.  Once this is done, locate the memoinfo.jlqm file and open it using a text editor. You will find the text in the DescRaw field.

The database currently does not contain any lqm file converter.

Additional formats for
lqm file conversion

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