Convert IGS to VRML

How to convert igs to vrml. Exporting IGES 3D models to VRML format.

How to convert igs to vrml file

It looks like it should be possible to convert CAD models saved in IGES format and generate a VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) file from the source. Such igs to vrml conversion can be probably done in several CAD / 3D modeling programs or even dedicated conversion or data translation software.

Afanche 3D Viewer icon

Afanche 3D Viewer

A popular 3D visualisation software

Autoconverter icon


A converter for 3D formats

CAD Exchanger

A CAD conversion software

FreeCAD icon


An open source multiplatform 3D CAD/MCAD/CAx/CAE/PLM modeler


A dedicated 2D/3D CAD software

Additional formats for
igs file conversion

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