Convert GPX to OV2

How to convert GPS data from GPX format to OV2 format. Available gpx to ov2 GPS converters.

How to convert gpx to ov2 file

You can convert various GPS formats (including .gpx or .ov2) between each other using software, such as GPSGabel or similar, which should be capable of gpx to ov2 conversion. Useful when you need to transport your routes or points of interests between devices supporting different formats.

GPSBabel icon


A program for conversion of various waypoint and GPS map formats

GPSBabel for Linux icon

GPSBabel for Linux

Program allowing users to convert waypoints, tracks and routes between popular GPS receivers

GPSBabel for Mac icon

GPSBabel for Mac

Application that allows users to convert waypoints and GPS map formats

Additional formats for
gpx file conversion

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