Convert PPSX to PPTX

How to convert ppsx to ppsx to pptx. Exporting PowerPoint formats. Available ppsx to pptx converters.

How to convert ppsx to pptx file

ppsx to pptx conversion is essentially the process of resaving between two different types of PowerPoint presentations. The most convenient way would be to use PowerPoint and just re-save one to another. A viable alternative would be to use some dedicated converter or some other presentation software that supports PowerPoint formats.

Apache OpenOffice Impress icon

Apache OpenOffice Impress

Free presentation program from

Corel Presentations icon

Corel Presentations

A presentation graphics application from Corel WordPerfect Office

Keynote for Mac icon

Keynote for Mac

The most popular presentation software for Mac

LibreOffice Impress icon

LibreOffice Impress

Powerful multimedia presentation software tool from LibreOffice suite

Microsoft Office Mobile for Android icon

Microsoft Office Mobile for Android

Official release of Microsoft Office optimized for Google Android operating system

Microsoft Office Mobile for Windows Phone icon

Microsoft Office Mobile for Windows Phone

Microsoft office suite optimized for Windows Phone operating system

Microsoft PowerPoint icon

Microsoft PowerPoint

The presentation app from Microsoft Office / Microsoft 365

Microsoft Powerpoint for Android icon

Microsoft Powerpoint for Android

Microsoft PowerPoint app for Android tablets

Microsoft Powerpoint for iOS icon

Microsoft Powerpoint for iOS

iOS version of Microsoft Powerpoint presentation software

Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac icon

Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac

Mac version of popular presentation software from Microsoft

Additional formats for
ppsx file conversion

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