Convert WK1 to 123

How to convert wk1 to 123. Possible wk1 to 123 converters.

How to convert wk1 to 123 file

Some modern spreadsheet programs still support old Lotus spreadsheets in WK1 format as well as 123 format and these might be your only option how to achieve wk1 to 123 conversion. And even though you still might be capable to resave one to another, it's somewhat odd to do it anyway as both formats are very old.

Apache OpenOffice Calc icon

Apache OpenOffice Calc

Spreadsheet program from productivity suite

LibreOffice Calc icon

LibreOffice Calc

Full-featured spreadsheet tool from LibreOffice suite

Lotus 1-2-3 icon

Lotus 1-2-3

Old spreadsheet program from IBM

WordPerfect Office icon

WordPerfect Office

A spreadsheet software application formerly known as Corel Quattro Pro

Additional formats for
wk1 file conversion

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