Convert FH9 to JPEG

How to convert .fh9 files (FreeHand 9 Drawing Files) to .jpeg format.

How to convert fh9 to jpeg file

The easiest way to convert .fh9 files (and any other FreeHand drawing format) to standard image formats, such as .jpg/.jpeg or .png, is to use the Adobe Illustrator software. Not only is this the most reliable way of converting .fh9 to .jpeg, it is possibly the most convenient one, too.

Users can import old FreeHand drawings (such as .fh9) directly into Adobe Illustrator and save them as .ai drawings by using a script from Adobe (available for download). This method seems to be working only for CS4/CS5 versions of Illustrator. It doesn't work for the latest CC - Creative Cloud edition.

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Adobe Illustrator

A powerful vector graphics editor from Adobe

Additional formats for
fh9 file conversion

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