Convert C4D to SKP

How to convert c4d to skp. Available c4d to skp converters.

How to convert c4d to skp file

  • CAD

The most obvious choice for a c4d to skp conversion is to use the original CINEMA 4D software. That should allow you to export .c4d files to formats compatible with SketchUp. If you don't have access to CINEMA 4D, you will have to rely on some third-party alternatives and specialized converters, such as Okino PolyTrans.

Cinema 4D icon

Cinema 4D

Cinema 4D is a 3D modeling and animation and rendering software developed by MAXON

PolyTrans|CAD+DCC icon


A 3D CAD translation software

SketchUp icon


A 3D general-purpose modeling program

Additional formats for
c4d file conversion

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