Convert WEBP to JPEG

Converting .webp images directly to .jpeg format.

How to convert webp to jpeg file

You can easily convert Google WebP Images directly to JPEG Images (.webp to .jpeg conversion). Numerous graphics editors and converters support such conversion efforts.

Your best bet is using tools, such as Adobe Photoshop or XnConvert, which allow users to import WEBP images and re-save them in JPEG format.

Adobe Photoshop icon

Adobe Photoshop

A bitmap graphics editing program

Corel PaintShop Pro icon

Corel PaintShop Pro

A professional photo editor and manager for Windows

reaConverter icon


A dedicated conversion software

XnConvert icon


A cross-platform batch image transcoder compatible with 500 picture image formats

XnView MP icon

XnView MP

A popular utility for viewing and converting graphic files

Additional formats for
webp file conversion

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