Convert PUB to DOC

How to save MS Publisher publication as Word document.

How to convert pub to doc file

Users looking for ways how to convert pub to doc typically just want to export Microsoft Publisher files (.pub) to one of the MS Word document formats (.doc or .docx). Publisher offers this function, but license of this software is pretty expensive so it's not something home users usually have access to. It looks like that .pub files (at least some versions of them) can be also opened in some 3rd party office suites, which means pub to doc conversion or export should be doable. Might require special plugins like PubOOo extension for

Apache OpenOffice Writer icon

Apache OpenOffice Writer

Word processor and text editor from suite

LibreOffice Writer icon

LibreOffice Writer

Full-featured word processing and desktop publishing tool from LibreOffice suite

Microsoft Publisher icon

Microsoft Publisher

A desktop publishing application included in Microsoft Office

Additional formats for
pub file conversion

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