Convert DJVU to PNG

Is it possible to convert .djvu images to .png format.

How to convert djvu to png file

Converting DjVu Images directly to Portable Network Graphics (.djvu to .png conversion) is possible and quite simple.

Your options are somewhat limited, but you can use tools, such as DjVulibre or DjVu Converter, which should be capable of converting .djvu to .png.

Alternatively, you could try using one of several online conversion utilities claiming to be capable of such a conversion.

DjVu Converter icon

DjVu Converter

A DjVu converter

DjVulibre icon


One of the best free DjVu viewers and converters

Zamzar Online File Converter icon

Zamzar Online File Converter

A web application that offers huge file conversion capability.

Additional formats for
djvu file conversion

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