Convert STL to SAT

How to convert STL 3D graphics to 3D ACIS SAT format. Available stl to sat converters.

How to convert stl to sat file

Both the STL (3D print format) and SAT (3D ACIS) formats are pretty common, so it should be not that hard to find a CAD software that can convert one to another. Used mainly for 3D printing purposes, or recovery of 3D print assets.

Alibre Design Professional icon

Alibre Design Professional

A set of 3D modeling tools

Autoconverter icon


A converter for 3D formats

CAD Exchanger

A CAD conversion software

SolidWorks icon


A 2D and 3D CAD construction software

ViaCAD Pro icon

ViaCAD Pro

A 2D, 3D modeling tool

Additional formats for
stl file conversion

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