Convert DOC to WPD

Possible software with support for converting of doc files to wpd file format.

How to convert doc to wpd file

Many word processors and even some text editors support both document formats from MS Word (.doc, .docx) as well as Corel WordPerfect (.wpd) and these software programs can be used re-save (File ► Save as..) one to another, which is all you need to achieve doc to wpd conversion. Some software specific formatting might not be exported flawlessly, but text and general formatting should remain intact.

AbiWord icon


A free word processing program available for Windows, Mac & Linux

Apache OpenOffice Writer icon

Apache OpenOffice Writer

Word processor and text editor from suite

Corel WordPerfect icon

Corel WordPerfect

Corel WordPerfect is word processor for Microsoft Windows

LibreOffice Writer icon

LibreOffice Writer

Full-featured word processing and desktop publishing tool from LibreOffice suite

Microsoft Word icon

Microsoft Word

One of the most popular word processor programs from Microsoft Office

Additional formats for
doc file conversion

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