Convert DB.CRYPT7 to CRYPT

How to convert db.crypt7 to crypt. Possible db.crypt7 to crypt converters.

How to convert db.crypt7 to crypt file

WhatApp Tri-Crypt app for Google Android phones can be used as a background process to convert CRYPT7, CRYPT6 and CRYPT5 encrypted archives to the original legacy CRYPT format, so in this sense db.crypt7 to crypt conversion is doable. After that, plenty of programs can be used to decrypt and extract the original CRYPT format, the most popular being program the Whatsapp Xtract.

Omni-Crypt (formerly Whatsapp Tri-Crypt) icon

Omni-Crypt (formerly Whatsapp Tri-Crypt)

Android app used to decrypt and convert .crypt WhatsApp message history files

Additional formats for
db.crypt7 file conversion

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