Convert ASM to DWG

How to convert ASM CAD files to DWG format. Converting Solid Edge assembly files to AutoCAD DWG. ASM to DWG converters.

How to convert asm to dwg file

asm to dwg conversion seems likely export of assembly files to standard DWG files, most likely .asm files from old Pro/Engineer or Solid Edge. This should be doable using PRO/Engineer or its successor Creo Elements/Pro and perhaps also with other alternative CAD/3D modeling tools. Solid Edge .asm files can be definitely exported with the software and any other tool that support Solid Edge formats.

Alibre Design Professional icon

Alibre Design Professional

A set of 3D modeling tools

Anark Core

A 3D product data optimalization software

PolyTrans|CAD+DCC icon


A 3D CAD translation software

Pro/Engineer (Creo Elements/Pro) icon

Pro/Engineer (Creo Elements/Pro)

Set of 3D CAD/CAM/CAE design tools from PTC

Solid Edge icon

Solid Edge

A feature rich 3D CAD software by Siemens

Additional formats for
asm file conversion

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