Convert XLT to XLTM

How to convert xlt to xltm. Possible xlt to xltm converters.

How to convert xlt to xltm file

Older Excel templates (.xlt) can be simply saved to newer formats in Excel 2007/2010 or later (.xltx, .xltm), which is pretty much what xlt to xltm conversion is. Some 3rd party spreadsheet programs might also help you, but it is always better to use the original software. XLTM format enables macro functions.

Excel Mobile icon

Excel Mobile

Mobile version of Microsoft Excel, previously known as Pocket Excel

Microsoft Excel icon

Microsoft Excel

A popular spreadsheet application distributed with Microsoft Office suite

Microsoft Excel for Mac icon

Microsoft Excel for Mac

A popular spreadsheet application from the Microsoft Office suite

PlanMaker icon


A handy spreadsheet editor from SoftMaker Office suite

Additional formats for
xlt file conversion

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