Convert XLSB to XLSX

How to resave Excel spreadsheets without Excel. Saving .xlsb binary files to .xlsx XML files.

How to convert xlsb to xlsx file

If you have access to MS Excel, you can easily resave .xlsb files to .xlsx files with just the File ► Save as.. function found in the program. Some 3rd party alternatives also support Excel formats, albeit some formatting might be lost during the xlsb to xlsx conversion process.  The main difference between the formats is that XLSB binary files are loaded much faster in Excel, unfortunately the format is not well-supported in other programs.

Apache OpenOffice Calc icon

Apache OpenOffice Calc

Spreadsheet program from productivity suite

LibreOffice Calc icon

LibreOffice Calc

Full-featured spreadsheet tool from LibreOffice suite

Microsoft Excel icon

Microsoft Excel

A popular spreadsheet application distributed with Microsoft Office suite

Microsoft Excel for Mac icon

Microsoft Excel for Mac

A popular spreadsheet application from the Microsoft Office suite

Additional formats for
xlsb file conversion

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