Convert WRL to STEP

Converting .wrl files directly to .step format.

How to convert wrl to step file

Converting VRML World 3D Image files directly to STEP 3D Model format (.wrl to .step conversion) should be possible using one of the numerous available 3D/CAD conversion utilities, such as AutoCAD or FreeCAD.

Alternatively, you might try using any 3D modeling utility, which supports both .wrl and .step formats.

3D-Tool icon


A CAD viewer program with conversion capabilities

AutoCAD icon


Leading 2D and 3D CAD development software from Autodesk

Autodesk Inventor icon

Autodesk Inventor

Autodesk Inventor is a modeling software used to create 3D digital prototypes

CATIA icon


A PLM/CAD/CAM/CAE software suite

FreeCAD icon


An open source multiplatform 3D CAD/MCAD/CAx/CAE/PLM modeler

TurboCAD icon


A family of 2D/3D CAD software products for Windows

Additional formats for
wrl file conversion

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