Convert WRL to 3DS

How to convert VRML / WRL graphics to 3Ds Max graphics. Available wrl to 3ds converters.

How to convert wrl to 3ds file

Blender supposedly can convert graphics saved in VRML format (.wrl) to 3Ds Max graphics (.3ds) so it may be worth a shot for a direct wrl to 3ds conversion. Possibly other 3D programs may also be able to convert wlr to 3ds, but for some you will have to use some middle step exchange format or online wrl to 3ds converter.

Blender icon


A very popular free program used for work with 3D graphics


A command line converter for 3D format

Online CAD converter icon

Online CAD converter

A commercial online CAD converter

PolyTrans|CAD+DCC icon


A 3D CAD translation software

Additional formats for
wrl file conversion

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