Convert SAT to DXF

How to convert sat to dxf. Available sat to dxf converters.

How to convert sat to dxf file

  • CAD

Many CAD software supports the SAT format (3D ACIS model) and can export / convert it to other CAD formats, including the DXF, which is used for 3D to 2D export (slices). You can also find dedicated CAD converters that may achieve the very same thing and offer users direct sat to dxt conversion.

3ds Max icon

3ds Max

A widely-used 3D animation application from Autodesk

Alibre Design Professional icon

Alibre Design Professional

A set of 3D modeling tools

AutoCAD icon


Leading 2D and 3D CAD development software from Autodesk

CrossManager icon


A CAD converter with a vast format support

pCon.planner icon


An application for the planning of spaces and furnishings

PolyTrans|CAD+DCC icon


A 3D CAD translation software

SolidWorks icon


A 2D and 3D CAD construction software

ViaCAD Pro icon

ViaCAD Pro

A 2D, 3D modeling tool

Additional formats for
sat file conversion

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