Convert RAR to APK

How to convert RAR to APK. Recovery of APKs from RAR archives.

How to convert rar to apk file

The most likely cause for searching rar to apk conversion is by users that do not know that RAR is a compression format, similar to ZIP and instead of looking for tools that can be used to decompress .rar files, search for a way to convert these files instead. It might be possible that some .apk files downloaded from the Internet have their extensions renamed from APK to a different format, typically to bypass file restrictions. You can try to rename the suffix and see if that solves your issues. But it is more likely that in case of RAR files, it's compressed archive.

How to decompress RAR archive

You do not need a converter, what you need is to download and install WinRAR and decompress your files. This is how you do it:

  • Download and install WinRAR from the official website.
  • Right-click on the RAR file and choose Extract Here or Extract to.. to decompress the contents to your desired location.
  • Of course you are not limited to WinRAR, you can use any alternative that supports RAR format, such as 7-zip
  • For mobile apps, you can search Google Market for apps that can extract .rar files directly on your device.
7-Zip icon


Popular open source file archiver with a high compression ratio

WinRAR icon


One of the oldest and most popular shareware file archiver and data compression utility

Additional formats for
rar file conversion

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