Convert PAR to IGS

What is the best converter used for converting par format to igs file format.

How to convert par to igs file

Solid Edge CAD design software uses .par files to store CAD part designs. The program also support export to several exchange CAD/3D modeling formats, including IGES 3D exchange format (.igs, .iges). In case that you do not have access to the program, you have to use some 3rd party alternative or a dedicated CAD/3D model converter.

Alibre Design Professional icon

Alibre Design Professional

A set of 3D modeling tools

CrossManager icon


A CAD converter with a vast format support


A CAD visualizaton, analyzation and translating system

Solid Edge icon

Solid Edge

A feature rich 3D CAD software by Siemens

Additional formats for
par file conversion

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