Convert OGG to SND

Is there a simple way to convert .ogg audio to .snd format?

How to convert ogg to snd file

  • Audio

There are two possible OGG to SND conversions. Converting Ogg Vorbis Audio Files directly to Sound Files, and converting Ogg Vorbis Audio Files directly to AKAI MPC Samples is both possible and should be fairly straightforward, despite limited options.

For a reliable conversion, use audio editors and converters, such as Awave Studio or ReCycle, which allow users to import OGG audio files and re-save them in SND format.

Awave Studio icon

Awave Studio

Audio editing software with wide audio formats support

ReCycle icon


A program for fast editing of sampled parts, chopping up riffs, remixing and doing mash ups

Tiny Audio Converter icon

Tiny Audio Converter

Audio converter for Mac

Translator 7 icon

Translator 7

A professional instrument conversion software.

Additional formats for
ogg file conversion

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