Convert HTML to DOCX

How to convert html to docx. Available html to docx converters.

How to convert html to docx file

HTML documents can simply by imported to Microsoft Word or other word processor with support of DOCX format and saved as a .docx document. The original HTML formatting will be converted to XML based one in DOCX. It might not be perfect, especially for HTML files not generated by Word, but more or less works.  Once html to docx conversion is done, it might require some manual editing though to cleanup the file

Apache OpenOffice Writer icon

Apache OpenOffice Writer

Word processor and text editor from suite

LibreOffice Writer icon

LibreOffice Writer

Full-featured word processing and desktop publishing tool from LibreOffice suite

Microsoft Word icon

Microsoft Word

One of the most popular word processor programs from Microsoft Office

Microsoft Word for Mac icon

Microsoft Word for Mac

A Mac version of the popular word processing application


Note organiser software

Additional formats for
html file conversion

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