Convert DB.CRYPT8 to CRYPT8

How to convert db.crypt8 to crypt8. Possible db.crypt8 to crypt8 converters.

How to convert db.crypt8 to crypt8 file

.db.crypt8 and .crypt8 files are pretty much the same, the difference comes only on different mobile platform. CRYPT8 is the actual extension, the .db part is just added to the file name and is part of it. There is no need for conversion of any kind and you can work with both of these files the same way.

Omni-Crypt (formerly Whatsapp Tri-Crypt) icon

Omni-Crypt (formerly Whatsapp Tri-Crypt)

Android app used to decrypt and convert .crypt WhatsApp message history files

Additional formats for
db.crypt8 file conversion

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