Convert TXT to CRYPT7

Converting .txt files to .crypt7 format.

How to convert txt to crypt7 file

Even if exported from the software, there is no way to generate a WhatsApp CRYPT7 archive from a TXT file. This is due to the fact that TXT files exported from WhatsApp only contain single conversations, not an entire backup, and it also lacks formatting.

Trying to transfer your chat history from one device to another, do the following, depending on the OS that your new phone runs on.

For Android users:

  1. Locate your CRYPT7 backup and convert it to CRYPT using a CRYPT7 to CRYPT conversion.
  2. Transfer the CRYPT file to your new device using WhatsApp TrueCrypt to encrypt it back to a CRYPT7 file on your new device.

For iOS users:

  1. If you need to transfer your WhatsApp backup to an Android device, create a full backup of your iPhone using iTunes.
  2. Use programs such as the iTunes Backup Extractor to locate your WhatsApp backup (in form of a SQLite database).
  3. Use WhatsApp Tools to encrypt the database to CRYPT format.
  4. Transfer the CRYPT to your Android device using WhatsApp TrueCrypt to encrypt it back to a CRYPT7 file on your new device.

Simply put, it is impossible to convert TXT to CRYPT7 directly.
Thus, there is no so-called txt to crypt7 converter or a free online .txt to .crypt7 converter to be found.

Additional formats for
txt file conversion

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