Convert RAR to ZIP

How to repack RAR archive to ZIP

How to convert rar to zip file

Users looking for rar to zip conversion are essentially searching for a way to repack RAR archives as ZIP archives. Most file archivers can do this with some automated function which will spare you a lot of time. Nevertheless, should you wish it, you can also convert rar to zip manually by extracting the data from your .rar file with any program that supports this format (pretty much every file manager or archiver and then repack the files to ZIP archive. Renaming extension from rar to zip is not sufficient for a proper conversion, although most file managers recognize both file formats and will allow you to extract the archive regardless of the actual file suffix.

7-Zip icon


Popular open source file archiver with a high compression ratio

Archiver (RuckSack) icon

Archiver (RuckSack)

A compression utility for Mac

B1 Free Archiver icon

B1 Free Archiver

A free multi-platform universal archiver

EZ7z for Mac icon

EZ7z for Mac

A compression utility for OS X

PeaZip icon


A free open source archive utility

RAR for Android icon

RAR for Android

A compression tool for Google Android

sArchiver icon


A compression utility for Mac

StuffIt Deluxe for Mac icon

StuffIt Deluxe for Mac

A backup and archive utility

StuffIt for Mac icon

StuffIt for Mac

Mac version of the popular utility

WinRAR icon


One of the oldest and most popular shareware file archiver and data compression utility

WinZip icon


Another popular file archiver and compressor

WinZip Mac Edition icon

WinZip Mac Edition

Mac version of the popular WinZip compression utility

Xarchiver icon


A Linux application used as frontend for popular compression tools

ZipZag icon


A compression utility that supports over 250 archive formats

Additional formats for
rar file conversion

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