Convert PRT to IGS

How to export CAD part files to IGES format. Available prt to igs converters.

How to convert prt to igs file

  • CAD

You can find dedicated CAD converters (or CADverters) capable of converting many different CAD formats between each other. PRT is somewhat generic extension for numerous CAD design formats (parts), but it is very likely that most of them can be easily converted to IGES format (.igs, .iges), which is what prt to igs conversion pretty much is.

3ds Max icon

3ds Max

A widely-used 3D animation application from Autodesk

CrossManager icon


A CAD converter with a vast format support


A CAD visualizaton, analyzation and translating system

PolyTrans|CAD+DCC icon


A 3D CAD translation software

Solid Edge icon

Solid Edge

A feature rich 3D CAD software by Siemens

SolidWorks icon


A 2D and 3D CAD construction software

Additional formats for
prt file conversion

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