Convert PPTM to PPT

How to convert pptm to ppt. Possible pptm to ppt converters.

How to convert pptm to ppt file

pptm to ppt conversion is related to export or resaving between two Microsoft PowerPoint presentation files. You can certainly resave .pptm files to older .ppt files using modern PowerPoint, this will remove any advanced featured introduced with the XML based variants of the formats, as well as disable any macro capability that was previous used in .pptm file.

Apache OpenOffice Impress icon

Apache OpenOffice Impress

Free presentation program from

Corel Presentations icon

Corel Presentations

A presentation graphics application from Corel WordPerfect Office

LibreOffice Impress icon

LibreOffice Impress

Powerful multimedia presentation software tool from LibreOffice suite

Microsoft PowerPoint icon

Microsoft PowerPoint

The presentation app from Microsoft Office / Microsoft 365

Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac icon

Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac

Mac version of popular presentation software from Microsoft

Additional formats for
pptm file conversion

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