Convert LWP to DOC

How to export LWP documents to Word. Available lwp to doc converters.

How to convert lwp to doc file

LWP format is an old document format from Lotus Word which is nowadays rarely used or even encountered by users, yet some still have them and would like to convert them to Word or similar common format. For such lwp to doc conversion you have to use Ability Write or perhaps one of the alternative word processing tools like LibreOffice / Writer. MS Word unfortunately does not support LWP format.

Ability Write icon

Ability Write

A fully featured word processor from Ability Office software suite

Apache OpenOffice Writer icon

Apache OpenOffice Writer

Word processor and text editor from suite

LibreOffice Writer icon

LibreOffice Writer

Full-featured word processing and desktop publishing tool from LibreOffice suite

Additional formats for
lwp file conversion

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