Convert LSA to JPG

Recovering hidden photos on Xiaomi Redmi phones.

How to convert lsa to jpg file

What are lsa files, and where do they come from?

One of the latest builds of the MIUI Gallery app for Xiaomi Redmi smartphones introduced the LSA format, which stores user pictures tagged by the user as hidden. LSA files are encrypted and password-protected files only of the picture type (usually JPEGs taken with the camera) rather than merely renamed files, as in earlier app versions.

All .lsa files are, by default, found on a Xiaomi device in the ~/MIUI/Gallery/cloud/secretAlbum folder, but they may also be backed up and synced via the Xiaomi cloud.

How do I recover my photos from .lsa files?

Based on the information from the Xiomi community, the only way to "recover" the photos from .lsa files is to know the password and unlock the files in the MIUI Gallery app.

If the files were emailed to you or downloaded to your computer, you must put them back in the original folder on your phone and then use the password again to unlock them.

To our knowledge, there is no alternative option to recover photos from .lsa files.

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