Convert IPT to JT

How to convert ipt to jt. Possible ipt to jt converter.

How to convert ipt to jt file

  • CAD

JT Open CAD format (.jt) is well supported in various CAD programs, so it should not be that difficult to convert .ipt parts from Autodesk Inventor to JT format. You can either do that in Inventor itself (may require plugin in some versions), or any 3rd party CAD software or conversion solutions.

Anark Core

A 3D product data optimalization software

Autodesk Inventor icon

Autodesk Inventor

Autodesk Inventor is a modeling software used to create 3D digital prototypes

CrossManager icon


A CAD converter with a vast format support

PolyTrans|CAD+DCC icon


A 3D CAD translation software

Additional formats for
ipt file conversion

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