Convert HTML to APK

Converting .html files to .apk format. Converting website to Android app.

How to convert html to apk file

What is HTML?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It's the standard markup language used to create web pages and web applications. An .html file is a text file containing the markup language for a web page. It includes the text content and tags that instruct the browser how to format and display it.

What is an APK file?

APK stands for Android Package Kit. It is the file format used by the Android operating system for mobile app distribution and installation. APK files contain all the code, resources, assets, certificates, and manifest files needed to install the app on an Android device.

How to convert HTML to APK

HTML files are typically designed to be viewed in a web browser. In contrast, APK files are meant to be executed as standalone applications on Android devices. You probably have a web application or website written in HTML and want to convert it into an Android application (APK).

Converting websites directly to Android apps (.html to .apk conversion) could be possible using specialized software or online utilities, such as AppsGeyser

Alternatively, HTML files containing apps or websites might be converted to APK format via frameworks, like PhoneGap Desktop or Website to 2 APK Builder. These allow users to deploy HTML-based applications on mobile platforms.

AppsGeyser icon


A fast and simple app creator

PhoneGap Desktop icon

PhoneGap Desktop

An open source framework that allows users to create mobile apps.

Website 2 APK Builder icon

Website 2 APK Builder

A website to APK converter

Additional formats for
html file conversion

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