Convert FCSTD to DXF

How to convert fcstd to dxf. Available fcstd to dxf converters.

How to convert fcstd to dxf file

  • CAD

Files with fcstd file extension are used for FreeCAD drawingsFreeCAD is an open-source parametric 3D modeler made primarily to design real-life objects of any size. Parametric modeling allows you to easily modify your design by going back into your model history to change its parameters.

FreeCAD drawings can be converted by the FreeCAD to various 3D file formats, including AutoCAD DXF Drawing Exchange .dxf file format (convert fctd to dxf). Unfortunately, except for FreeCAD, we do not know any other fcstd converter that can perform this CAD conversion.

FreeCAD icon


An open source multiplatform 3D CAD/MCAD/CAx/CAE/PLM modeler

Additional formats for
fcstd file conversion

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