Convert DWF to DWFX

How to convert dwf to dwfx. Possible dwf to dwfx converters.

How to convert dwf to dwfx file

  • CAD

It seems that the most convenient way how to achieve dwf to dwfx conversion, i.e. export of older Autodesk DWF files to latest DWFX version, would be to download the free Autodesk Design Review viewer and simple re-save .dwf to .dwfx.

You can also use any of the other Autodesk programs with DWF/DWFX support of course, but not everyone has access to these expensive programs so the Autodesk Design Review is most likely the best choice.

AutoCAD icon


Leading 2D and 3D CAD development software from Autodesk

Autodesk Design Review icon

Autodesk Design Review

A free AutoCAD publishing solution

Autodesk Inventor icon

Autodesk Inventor

Autodesk Inventor is a modeling software used to create 3D digital prototypes

McDwiff for Mac icon

McDwiff for Mac

A viewer of the Autodesk DWF and DWFX files

Additional formats for
dwf file conversion

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